On Sunday 20th May2018 the fourth Glyn Morris Mystery Run was very well organised by David & Vivien Pegler on a very nice autumn morning by a total of 34 members and friends.

Obviously everyone had no idea where they were send us off to all I knew was that we were to end at a hotel!

Each car was sent off at 30 second intervals with the handed notes giving certain directions and asking all sorts of questions we had to find and record along the way. Seems pretty easy doesn’t it? Well no! a certain amount of re-versing or retracing ones drive to find an elusive answer, they were very sneaky those Pegler’s, and the competition was pretty hot.

The run led us from Strathalbyn through the back streets of Willyaroo down the nine mile road into Milang and then a right hand turn through the long straight roads heading towards Finniss. We were told to turn off this road and on to-wards Currency Creek and then left along the main Strath- Goolwa road finally finishing in Goolwa at the Goolwa Hotel where Peter met us with a concerned look asking if we had any difficulties! What a cheek of course we did having managed to write down an answer to all the questions but having strained our eyes for some 3 hours and some mem-bers hardly talking to their partner we settled down to ease the stress with a well earned drink and the big decision of what to have to eat from the special menu organised by David & Vivien.

The members then enjoyed a hearty meal while we waited for the last members to arrive, and then David &Vivien went into a huddle over all of our entries to find the winners.

Before we had our sweets (the Car Club paid for all of us which is the tradition for this special event) David gave us the correct answer to all the questions we had on our sheets where there were a number of groans when members got it wrong! At the end of this the winners were announced!

Doug & Vivien Hill! Were congratulated by all and were handed the Glyn Morris trophy by Glyn himself.

All in all a very successful and enjoyable but challenging day! So well done to the Pegler’s and to the winners: Doug & Vivien Hill
