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New Members

Strathalbyn Auto Collectors Club Inc

Welcome to the Strathalbyn Auto Collectors Club


We hope that you find our club enjoyable and that it has something to offer you as we learn about your classic vehicle, and you learn about ours. This is a short information page to help you to settle into the club during the first few months of joining us. Membership of the Strathalbyn Auto Collectors Club is inexpensive and provides funds for continued development in area such as social events community service and promotion.


To become a member of the Strathalbyn Auto Collectors Club you must:

        Live within 30kms of Strathalbyn, if you do then please read on

  • Collect and Complete a New Membership Application Form at a Club General Meeting (at this stage as a visitor) and hand the completed form to the club President or Secretary (Pay no Money Yet)

  • The applicant, or a member of the applicant’s immediate family must Attend Three Club Events.  (Event is defined as either a club Mtg or club Trip)

  • Pay a once off Club Joining fee and an Annual Membership fee for the first year then an Annual Membership fee thereafter

  • Abide by the clubs Constitution, Code of Conduct, By-Laws, Rules, and Committee decisions

  • We also ask that you Sign the Attendance Record Sheet that will be circulating at the General meeting nights and at the vehicle run events so that a accurate record can be held to see which members have attended


At the start of your first meeting with us the President will ask for Visitors to introduce themselves and ask you to give a brief description of the vehicle/s that you own and a brief description as to why you would like to join the club. After attendance at Three club events Your Membership Application will be taken to the next committee meeting for a discussion. 
Once membership has been approved by the committee the Secretary will send out a letter of membership acceptance. If approved, the membership fee is to be paid to the Treasurer at the next General meeting.  The Treasurer will issue you with a receipt and a membership sticker. Once payment has been received by the Club Treasurer, you will then receive a Welcome to the Club letter, and a Name Badge will be Arranged for you and your partner (If Family Membership) and can be collected at the next General Meeting, you are also now able to get in contact with the club Registrar to arrange to get your vehicle/s inspected for Club Registration.



  • Contact a Club Authorised Person to arrange a vehicle inspection The phone numbers can be found on the SACC club web Site

  • Ensure that the Engine Number and Vin Numbers are correct prior to Inspection

  • Bring the vehicle to be inspected to Strathalbyn if registered or obtain a permit to drive the vehicle to Strathalbyn if not registered. Otherwise traveling fees may be applied for fuel for the volunteer inspectors

  • The vehicle will be inspected and an MR334 Form issued if it passes inspection, you will need proof of Club Membership payment

  • Take the MR334 Form and current registration forms to the Motor Registration Department

  • Register the vehicle; NOTE; If the vehicle is to be registered in joint names all persons on registration must be Club Members i.e., Family and have their name on the MR334 Form

  • The vehicle must not be driven on a road at this stage as a Logbook for the vehicle has not been issued. (Penalties apply)

  • Attend the Clubs Next General Meeting to receive a Logbook from the club Registrar (Current Fee Applies) for the vehicle to be issued, you will need to show the registration papers

  • Enjoy the use of your vehicle


If you have any questions about the club or the above membership criteria, please feel free to contact the club President or Secretary on the phone numbers that are on this website or send an email to the club via the following and someone will get back to you to answer your questions.


Thank you for coming to the Strathalbyn Auto Collectors Club

Club President

© 2019 Strathalbyn Auto Collectors Club Inc 

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