A Car Club visit by members of the Barossa Car Club to Strathalbyn turned into a very successful day with 48 members and their cars arriving with their President, Harley Hodge, at approximately 10.30am at the end of Colman Terrace. There were 23 members of the Strathalbyn Auto Collectors Club in 10 cars there to greet them. After a very friendly meet and greet for about an hour members of both Clubs walked across the River Angus and up to the High Street and to the Gilbert’s Motor Museum; the Barossa Car Club had prearranged a museum visit for some; and others decided to head for the bakeries for a coffee etc.
Once both interests were covered we all walked back down to Colman Terrace for their picnic lunches.
After lunch was finished the visit extended to Collectible Classics by those interested from 13.45pm to 14.30pm after which all our guests left for their drive home around 15.00pm. All in all; a great day had by everyone! Some SACC members sat around talking until 16.30pm as weatherwise it was a very enjoyable day.
SACC members in attendance were:
Rod & Jill Schultz; Ken & Lorraine Winen; Ian & Helen Henschke; David & Vivienne Pegler; Cameron & Rae Mighall; Sandra & Gary Bishop; John & Jenny Howard; Ian & Marylyn Bell; Ken & Margaret Collins; President Glyn Morris and Gordon & Di Thorpe.
Rod Schultz – Strathalbyn