A total of 19 members and friends were on this trip some from Strathalbyn driving to Goolwa while some went straight there to the Goolwa Railway Station. We were me at the station by our always efficient President Kate who had gone ahead to pay for us all and get a real railway ticket, no ticket no seat on the train!
We had a carriage to ourselves at the end of the line of carriages and were told that our carriage had once been used when Princess Diana visited South Australia. Several of the Seamranger volunteers gave us a brief history lesson and right on time the diesel locomotive pulled away from the station. While there was a bit of a chill in the air once we were away the temperature was no longer a worry as we left Goolwa looking into the back yards of peoples homes and seeing familiar roads from a different perspective, up above them all. There was a short stop along the way but everyone stayed seated and enjoyed a lovely view of our wonderful sea line which we can only see from the train, unless you do a rather long walk as there are tracks beside the beaches.
Our train finally pulled into Victor and one sees such an impressive view closer we got to the station of many old buildings still here – lots of blue stone properties with changed uses still making the town so interesting. The group dispersed and the time spent before returning to Goolwa saw some heading to lunch at pubs while others preferred fish & chips for lunch, most returned on the train mid-afternoon but from all reports the day was a success.
On the run were:
Roy & Noreen Smith; Roy Shelton & Carmel Chell; Lynda Shelton and son Alex; David & Vivien Pegler; Ian & Marylyn Bell; Bob & Elaine Sellar; Rory Liebelt; Kate Knight, Jason Wotton & Ian Hogben; Doug & Vivien Hill and myself.
Mike Greenwood – SACC Events