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Mid-Week Run to Milang - 19th August

Updated: Nov 1, 2020

Yeh alright the weather was pretty ordinary but we still had eleven well rugged up members made their way down to Milang to the 2 restored railway carriages by the lake instead of the picnic on the lawn by the lake.

The suggestion to relocate was due to the rather severe forecasted weather for that day and it was given to me by Rivette and this decision made the day.

Five other couples and myself were able to comply with the self-distancing requirement plus lunch in comfort and be given a very informative history lesson as well. Not to mention that the volunteer members of the Port Milang Historic Railway Museum can provide a variety of meals on board, including the biggest warmed scones with jam and cream I have ever seen.

There are a number of very enthusiastic Museum members who gave us history in depth about the start and eventual decline of their railway which we all really enjoyed plus they have a short section of track demonstrating the operation of the old ways we travelled and the very interesting railway management systems.

We were all able to do a bit of reminiscing, being of an age when we could remember the sounds and smell of steamtrains either going by or being in them.

Those on the run were:

Bob & Elaine Sellar -Mercedes; Doug & Viviene Hill – VW; Roy Shelton & Carmel Chell – Daimler

; Trevor & Jan Davies – Rolls Royce; John & Jenny Howard – Plastic and my self – MGF.

Mike Greenwood – Events

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