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Mypolonga Motor Museum

Updated: Nov 1, 2020

The number of members and friends wishing to go on this run just kept coming to me via my phone or via the SACCWebsite to the point that 40 members, YES! 40 members came along, Wow! This was terrific! And the weather was possibly an additional decider as the thermometer was due to get up around 34 degrees and sunny!

The venue we headed for at Mypolonga is the pride and joy of Paul and Kathy Prosser after a stop for coffee in various bakeries in Murray Bridge.

Seeing that we were complying with Covid 19 instructions there was no initial meeting at Colman Terrace so the first actual full meeting was not until we parked the cars and were directed into a huge shed surrounded by hundreds of Apricot trees, with the big sign of Aussie Apricots, the main operating shed.

Both Paul and Kathy gave us an informative slide show explaining the how many difficulties they have overcome to produce high quality products now available on their website and in their shop on site. They are to be commended for the dedication and I believe they will make a visit to Mypolonga worth while. After being able to buy lots of their products we drove to the second part of our reason to visit Mypolonga, Revolution Motor Museum. Which was only a short couple of hundred metres along the street. Here the first order was: lunch, and everyone headed for the middle building which has been set up especially for groups such as ours with long tables and chairs, there are fridges and BBQ’s galore inside and out on the veranda

At present the complex in an ongoing work in progress for Paul who is doing the restoration work on his own and has already got the 4 main buildings set up to receive visitors.

After lunch the group was split into two groups to view the two distinct collections; one of classic muscle cars in a dedicated black and white checker floored design with lots of memorabilia and wall murals depicting the American Route 66 to which Pauls car would have featured, his collection started at an early age he informed me.

The other shed again fully set up housed a number of very early cars gathered many years ago by Malcolm Wicks which were previously seen in sheds in Balhana and because the family did not want the collection to be split the collection is now resting here in Mypolonga.

It will be interesting to revisit in several years time as I am sure Paul And Kathy will continue to improve the properties to what we saw on this visit.

All in all I am pretty sure that all who came enjoyed the day out either catching up with or meeting new friends today. On the run today were: Lesley & Rex Jeansch; John & Yvonne Dawson; Bob & Elaine Sellar’ Roy Shelton & Carmel Chell; Caleine Vandernakker & Roslyn; Peter & Cheryl Barreau; Cameron & Rar Mighall; John & Jenny Howard; Steve & Irene Roberts; Dale Hancock & Sheryl Olney; Gordon & Di Thorpe ; David Coutts; John & Jenny Deane; Ian & Helen Henschke; Graham & Gay Brook ken & Marg Collins; Stan & Heather Quick; David & Viviene Pegler; Barry & Lea Westley & family; Rivette Murphy; Peter Sutton and myself.

Mike Greenwood - Events

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